building energy certificates – heating studies

building energy identity with an energy identity certificate
ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά κτιρίου

building energy certificates – heating studies

building energy identity with an energy identity certificate
ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά κτιρίου
ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά κτιρίου
ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά κτιρίου
ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά κτιρίου
ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά κτιρίου

After the new European Union directive, the energy identity is now mandatory for every newly built building and not only, through the energy identity certificate. Building energy certificates are now a mandatory field of the building’s identity.

Building energy certification:

These certificates are called Building Energy Identity Cards (BECs) and describe all the energy characteristics of each building.

The DETA concerns:

– All real estate sales

– All real estate leases over 50 sq.m.

– The financing of interventions for energy upgrading of buildings (national or community)

The energy certification of the building will be carried out by the energy inspectors. These are specialized certified scientists, who will carry out energy certifications to certify the degree of energy efficiency of a building. Energy efficiency is the process of checking and diagnosing the energy behavior of each building and the actual energy consumption, to cover all the needs of the building.

The Clemic Group has the necessary know-how, expertise and experience to undertake:

– The Energy Inspection in every type of building

– Issuing an Energy Identity Card (EID)

– The accurate recording of the energy status and operating conditions of your building.

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Building energy certificates.

Upon assignment, the following shall be agreed between the inspector and the owner/operator:

• The purpose and procedure of carrying out the energy inspection of the building.

• The obligations of the Energy Inspector during the inspection, such as the recording of the necessary data for the conduct and completion of the inspection, the issuance of the Energy Performance Certificate and the formulation of suggestions for improving the energy efficiency of the building.

• The obligations of the owner/manager to provide the building’s elements and data required to carry out the energy audit, such as general information on the use, operation and construction of the building, the ownership status, architectural and electromechanical plans of the building, architectural and electromechanical studies, thermal insulation study, E/M plant maintenance sheets.

• The procedure and duration of documents for the energy certification of a building.

• The fee of the Energy Inspector.

• Ensuring protection (including privacy) of the building’s data. It is not the responsibility of the Energy Inspector to accurately map the building to be inspected.

In case the architectural study does not exist, e.g. due to its loss or the architectural plans do not reflect the actual form of the building, the person in charge of the building (owner/manager) should assign the mapping of the technical characteristics of the building (e.g. architectural and E/M plans) to a competent engineer , as defined in current legislation. The fee for the mapping of the building is borne by the owner/manager and is not included in the fee of the inspector for the energy inspection and certification of the building. The inspector, if he so wishes and upon agreement with the owner/manager of the building, may himself carry out a survey of the building facilities required for the energy inspection, with the relevant fee determined by the legislation. When conducting an energy audit of a building, the inspector is given access to all internal and external common and private areas of the building to be inspected.

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