


The most common cockroach species are: the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis), the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), the brown-banded cockroach (Supella longipalpa) and the German cockroach (Blattella germanica).

For Greece, the black oriental cockroach is the best known, which is more associated with wet areas than the other common cockroaches. It is mainly found outdoors under leaves and under stones. However, they prefer to live inside buildings where they find ideal conditions all year round by invading from house drains. Its eggs, like those of the German cockroach, are laid every 15-20 days in ovaries and can remain inactive for months until the right conditions are created for them to hatch.

Cockroaches are found in wet basements, cellars, near drains, refrigerators, washing machines, under the floor, inside walls. Of particular interest remains the fact that they hide during the daylight hours in the dark, warm and safe shelters they have found, while during the night the cockroaches come out of their nests to find their food. If you see cockroaches in your home during the day, you have a serious problem.
Cockroaches have a particularly high reproduction rate. The life cycle of cockroaches lasts about 170 days under favorable conditions. They can easily create resistance and their presence makes it necessary to deal with them immediately, so as to ensure that their population will be significantly reduced and gradually eliminated.

By its nature, the cockroach is considered one of the most difficult and resistant insects to combat. Cockroaches can be carriers of various allergies, bacteria and diseases such as asthma. For this reason, both their extermination and their prevention become necessary. They require application with quality preparations, and expertise to combat them definitively.

The Workshop of Clemic Services S.A. who visits your premises, after locating the cockroach outbreak, carries out a cockroach disinfestation application with new generation drugs that are friendly to the environment and people in order to carry out a safe and effective disinfestation for cockroaches. If your home, your business and your premises in general have a problem with cockroaches, Clemic Services specialist will rid you of unwanted visitors once and for all. Our company, through its experienced scientific staff, exterminates pests, but it can also undertake their prevention by spraying and applying gel. In case of reappearance of cockroaches, after the end of the work and despite the agreed adherence to the periodic repetition of the applications, Clemic Services undertakes their removal free of charge.

The effectiveness of the applications is overseen by the scientific and technical staff of Clemic Services, having the necessary knowledge and using modern and safe application techniques, in harmony with ISO and HACCP quality and safety standards. After disinfecting cockroaches, our company recommends that the sprayed area be cleaned after the fourth day of application.


If your home, your business and your facilities in general have a problem with cockroaches, the special disinfection and disinsection team of Clemic Services, using safely the appropriate preparations, will rid you of unwanted visitors once and for all.
Depending on the extent of the phenomenon, the places of occurrence are recommended to have a corresponding periodicity of disinsection, for the most effective to permanent treatment of cockroaches. The same data determines the application that will be used by our specialized workshop. In case of reappearance of cockroaches, after the end of the work and despite the agreed adherence to the periodic repetition of the applications, Clemic Services undertakes their removal free of charge.
The effectiveness of the applications is overseen by the scientific and technical staff of Clemic Services, having the necessary knowledge and using modern and safe application techniques, in harmony with ISO and HACCP quality and safety standards.

Issuance of certificate

At the end of the disinfestation, a certificate of disinfection is delivered as defined by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, which lists the drugs that were used with the corresponding antidotes.

The applications concern

The specialized crews of Clemic Services, with their many years of experience and their scientific approach to dealing with the appearance of cockroaches, undertake the disinfection of any space with a guaranteed result, providing an immediate solution to:

– Detached houses
-Block of flats
– Offices
-Retail and wholesale food and beverage businesses
(food supermarkets, grocery stores, butchers, fishmongers, fruit shops, gas stations
frozen foods, nut shops – wineries, etc.).
-Food Preparation Businesses (food and beverage laboratories, bakeries,
– Catering (restaurants, steakhouses, canteens).
-Event Venues and Entertainment Centers.
-Receipt and Storage Areas for Food Raw Materials.
– Food and beverage storage or packaging areas.
-Pharmaceutical industries, Transport Companies, Shipping, etc.


For the disinfection of your space or more information and appointments, please contact Clemic Services
Tel.: 211 10 10 100

Clemic Services – Clemic Group company

Τestimonials: Μαρτυρίες πελατών μας

Είμαι δικηγόρος και έχω το γραφείο μου σε κτιριακό συγκρότημα επαγγελματικών γραφείων. Τα γραφεία μας, διαθέτουν κοινόχρηστες τουαλέτες που βλέπουν στον φωταγωγό. ‘Oπως αντιλαμβάνεστε οι πιο πολλοί, έχουμε βρεθεί αντιμέτωποι με κατσαρίδες. Η συνεργασία μας με την εταιρία Clemic Services είναι άριστη, καθώς διαπίστωσα ότι τα συνεργεία τους συνοδεύονται πάντα από επιστημονικό σύμβουλο, πλήρως καταρτισμένο στο αντικείμενο της απεντόμωσης και της απολύμανσης. Όλες οι προληπτικές και κατασταλτικές εφαρμογές εντόμων καθώς και οι αντιμικροβιακές εφαρμογές τους, απέναντι σε βιολογικούς και χημικούς κινδύνους ήταν άριστες. Αισθάνομαι σιγουριά για μένα και τους πελάτες μου ότι δεν θα βρεθούμε ποτέ ξανά αντιμέτωποι, με την αηδιαστική αυτή εικόνα…

Μιχάλης Φ. – Δικηγόρος

Εξαιρετική συνεργασία, άψογο service και το κυριότερο με πολύ καλές τιμές! Ειδικά το πακέτο απεντόμωσης της Clemic, το θεωρώ αποτελεσματικό και οικονομικότατο!

Βασιλική Κ. – διαχειρίστρια πολυκατοικίας

Μένω στον πρώτο όροφο, τριώροφης πολυκατοικίας στην Αθήνα… Προληπτικά κλείνω ραντεβού στις αρχές του καλοκαιριού για να κάνω απεντόμωση, ώστε να αποφύγω το αηδιαστικό θέαμα εισβολής των κατσαρίδων και τον ανατριχιαστικό ήχο τους… Ως ένοικος παλαιάς πολυκατοικίας, ήμουν αναγκασμένη να συνεργαστώ με μία αξιόπιστη εταιρία που αναλαμβάνει τέτοιου είδους εφαρμογές. Μετά από έρευνα αγοράς διαπίστωσα ότι τα συνεργεία της Clemic Services ήταν τα πιο αποτελεσματικά και τα πιο οικονομικά.  Είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη!

Σοφία Χ. – ένοικος διαμερίσματος

Είναι γνωστό σε όλους ότι τον τελευταίο μήνα της Άνοιξης και όλους τους καλοκαιρινούς μήνες, κάνουν την εμφάνισή τους οι κατσαρίδες… Μένω σε μονοκατοικία και δεν σας κρύβω ότι ενοχλούμαι πολύ από την παρουσία τους, ειδικά στον χώρο της κουζίνας. Η άμεση ανταπόκριση του συνεργείου της Clemic Services, σε συνδυασμό με τις οικονομικές τους τιμές, αποδείχθηκε η καλύτερη λύση για μία συνεργασία που είμαι βέβαιος θα κρατήσει για πάντα!

Κώστας Α. – ιδιοκτήτης μονοκατοικίας
