οnline κοινόχρηστα

online shared: online application

online κοινόχρηστα

online shared: online application

online κοινόχρηστα
online κοινόχρηστα
online κοινόχρηστα
online κοινόχρηστα
online κοινόχρηστα

With the Online Shares application you have the possibility to print your shares in 5 minutes whenever you want, even on weekends and holidays!
You can print them on white paper or on pre-printed paper that we supply.


The new Clemic Group service is a fact. All you need is a computer, a printer, sign up to our service and follow 4 simple steps.

  • Enter your expenses into our online system
  • Enter the heating hours
  • Check the aggregate status
  • Print summary and notices on special pre-printed paper that we have supplied you for the whole year, on your home printer.

All that is required is to send us a consolidated statement from the company that now issues you the utilities or the table of millimeters and heating coefficients. From now on you will really be able to have your utilities at your place in 5 minutes.

Service Benefits
  • You don’t have to wait on your handset for a long time, especially on peak days to pay your expenses.
  • The possibility of error is reduced, as no numbers are transferred over the phone (renumbering etc.)
  • You don’t have to wait two maybe or three days to get your utilities.
  • You can use the service at any time on your computer, even after our company’s working hours, weekends and holidays.
  • You can at any time refer to past utility bills and see the costs of your apartment building or rely on them to issue the monthly utilities.
  • You can give the right to the tenants of the apartment building to see (read only) the expenses registered by the respective administrator, with a different username and password from that of the administrator.
  • If you do not have access to the internet, to enter the system of the online share program, to issue your shares, Clemic Services A.E. offers you free passwords.
  • You have the new service upgrades immediately.
  • You can “download” to your computer the expenses of any month in PDF or EXCEL format to keep the files on your computer as well.
  • You have free legal advice from the Legal Department of Clemic Services A.E.
  • We provide you with free of charge our company’s monthly newsletter with advice, news and articles related to apartment building management.
  • You have access to specialized advice and articles in the database of our website at www.toktirio.gr which is only for members of the online-user service.

For online shared application or more information, please contact Clemic Services
Tel.: 211 10 10 100

Clemic Services – Clemic Group company

online κοινόχρηστα

Online Shares: Frequently Asked Questions

What are online shares?

It is a web based application which in 4 steps you can calculate and give you on your screen the result of the calculation of the shared costs. You can also print summary status and notifications on your printer on plain paper. And all this in 5 minutes!

Does it require special installations on my computer?

No! This is also the biggest advantage of the online application. All you need is the USERNAME and PASSWORD that we provide you, and that your computer has a web browser (eg Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.)

Does it require a specific operating system?

As long as you meet the above specifications no. It works equally well on windows, linux and Macintosh.

Does it require a special printer?

No special printer needed. All you need is to be able to print simple pages on A4 pages. We supply you with pre-printed A4 paper that has the notice and the two receipts (Tenant and Owner). All your printer prints are numbers, and variable fields.

How much does the service cost?

Depending on the number of apartments and where you live, the service costs from 60 euros per year including VAT. For more information please contact us.

What are the advantages;

The time for 12 shared user editions that you will lose to issue your shared shares to a company that you agree on over the phone is multiple times (if you consider that you have to wait on the phone to pay the expenses, if something goes wrong, wait at home for at least 2 days to receive them, etc.) from the time it will take you to spend the expenses in the online form and get the utilities in 5 minutes after making sure that it is correct on your screen.

This application is aimed at people who have a basic knowledge of technology, who want to save more time, and avoid errors of renumbering, re-issues, etc. that delay the smooth operation of the apartment building. They can also see the image of the apartment building, all months and reprint previous months whenever they want.

Can I trust such a new app?

The application uses the same mechanism that has been generating utilities for 25 years in thousands of apartment buildings in the Attica basin. There is no case that cannot be printed correctly in our system.

Can I count on your help?

Of course! First of all the system in terms of millimeters etc is configured the first time before using the system and this is done exclusively by us, with the information you give us. You go through the first costs with the guidance of one of our employees over the phone, to make sure that the process is done correctly and that you too can have more confidence. Usually, we go through a previous month’s expenses to make sure and check the calculations. We are always at your disposal!

online κοινόχρηστα