πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης

Shell heating oil: in collaboration with Coral A.E. (Shell Licensee)

πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης

Shell heating oil: in collaboration with Coral A.E. (Shell Licensee)

πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης
πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης
πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης
πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης

The responsible company of the Clemic group, Stacat supplies you with excellent quality Shell heating oil from Coral A.E. (Shell Licensee).

Stacat meets the needs of the Group’s customers in the supply of heating oil from Coral (Shell Licensee), with a high sense of responsibility and consistency.

With the unique advantages of the privately owned heating oil facilities and the leading employees, it can guarantee the customer:

– that the delivered quantity of heating oil from Coral (Shell Licensee) is exactly what the customer has ordered as the measurements from the central facilities are made with state-of-the-art means of exceptional accuracy.

– that the quality of the heating oil is perfect, as special sensors check humidity and other factors until the moment the heating oil is loaded onto the tanker.

– that the customer is assured of both the quality of the oil and the quantity as at the start of the cooperation with each new customer the tank is calibrated, a gauge is placed and an oil sample is given which is sealed at the time of delivery (on each delivery) in front to the customer.


Clemic Services offers same-day service, guaranteed oil delivery, free oil tank calibration and free external gauge.


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πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης