Households can carry out the energy upgrade of their homes with a subsidy of up to 70% of the costs for the necessary construction works, as the NSRF Home Savings II program opens on February 2

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The relevant announcement was made yesterday by the Minister of Environment and Energy Giorgos Stathakis, who also issued the relevant guide with the terms and conditions for the participation of those interested.

Home Savings starts with a budget of 250 million euros. This can reach up to 500 million euros, including private funds. An innovation of the program is the possibility that homeowners have to make a combination of grants, borrowing and their own money in order to cover the required costs. Their maximum amount, which can be financed, must amount to 25,000 euros.

A residence is eligible for the program if:

– Used as a primary.
– It exists legally and is not arbitrary.
– It has been classified based on the Energy Performance Certificate of the First Energy Inspection (A’ PEA) in a category lower than or equal to D.

Natural persons who have the right of ownership (full or partial) or usufruct and meet specific income criteria can participate. These are divided into seven categories. The lower the income, the higher the subsidy rate. Priority is given to the inclusion of families with children (5% for each minor member up to two children) and households with low incomes. The seventh and last category, although they cannot receive a grant, can benefit from the program by obtaining an interest-free loan. This includes households with an individual income of 35,000 to 40,000 euros and a family income of 45,000 to 50,000 euros. The first or lowest category concerns families with an individual income of up to 10,000 euros and a family income of up to 20,000 euros.

The interventions that can be made by the interested parties will concern the following categories:

1. Replacement of frames.
2. Placement of shading systems.
3. Installation of thermal insulation on the building shell including the roof / roof and the pilot.
4. Heating system upgrade.
5. Upgrade of the domestic hot water supply system.

Which ones are necessary will be indicated by the energy inspectors. Finally, those interested will be able to submit an application on a special digital platform, which will be open for receiving applications by the end of February. All banks will be connected to it.
