I’m saving up

Save 2023 Program
Εξοικονομώ - Αυτονομώ κατ’ οίκων

Clemic Services SA always responding to the needs of the market, it provides you with a comprehensive solution for your inclusion in the Save 2023 program. With our specialized staff, we support you at all stages of the process efficiently. From preparing the documents for the application to completing the work and closing the file.

We undertake:

  • Compilation of the file,
  • The autopsy and the issuance of the energy certificate
  • The energy upgrade study
  • The scoring study
  • The electronic building identity certificate of completeness.

Eligible Program Interventions

  • Replacement of frames
  • Installing / upgrading thermal insulation
  • Heating / cooling system upgrade
  • Domestic hot water system (DHW)
  • Installation of a smart management system (smart home)*

Complete the application form below and a specialist from our company will contact you to give you detailed information regarding the program conditions, inclusion criteria, subsidy rates and all the necessary documents you need to submit your application.


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