Owners of uninsured vehicles have until the end of March to insure them, as then the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) plans to proceed with the first electronic cross-check to identify uninsured vehicles.

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This results from a relevant announcement by AADE, in which it announces that every year it will conduct at least two electronic crossings for uninsured vehicles.

The penalties
It is noted that owners who are found not to have insured their cars or bicycles will be faced with fines of 100 to 250 euros, with the withdrawal of their driver’s license and license, as well as criminal penalties. The amount of the fine has been set at 100 euros for two-wheeled vehicles up to 250 cc, 150 euros for two-wheeled vehicles from 251 cc. and above, 200 euros for cars up to 1,000 cc. and 250 euros for cars from 1,001 cc. and above.

AADE in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport have drawn up a detailed guide with 13 Questions – Answers for citizens in order to be fully aware of the procedures to be followed and for the timely treatment of problems concerning uninsured vehicles, in order to prevent the detection, as uninsured, of vehicles in a number of cases. After the lapse of 30 days from the publication of this Guide, the first electronic cross-check for uninsured vehicles for the year 2018 will be carried out, as stated in the relevant announcement by AADE.

The Information Guide is in the form of frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) and concerns both vehicle owners who received notices of an uninsured vehicle during the cross-check carried out on 06.06.2017, as well as those who, while not receiving notices in the context of the first intersection, they know that they fall into one of the cases mentioned in the Guide and should ensure that their vehicles are not detected as uninsured during subsequent intersection checks.

It is noted that the implementation of the electronic intersection for the detection of uninsured vehicles, which has increased social importance, was carried out for the first time in Greece, on (6/6/2017), by the Independent Public Revenue Authority, and brought a tangible result.

In particular, it was established that during the period from June 2017, when the first crossing was carried out, vehicle insurances increased by 510,000, compared to previous years, reaching, for the first time, the historical size of 6.26 million . of insured vehicles in the country.

At the same time, however, as the AADE states in its announcement, the electronic cross-checking also demonstrated a series of failures due to both internal administrative weaknesses -which started several years ago-, as well as poor information or negligence on the part of the citizens.

Source: Athenian-Macedonian News Agency