

Disinfection is the removal, inactivation or destruction of harmful pathogenic micro-organisms from spaces and objects using preparations either naturally or chemically. With disinfection we achieve a drastic reduction of disease-causing or pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, microbes, fungi, etc.) that contaminate surfaces and threaten human health.

Finally, the goal of disinfection is to reduce the microbial load of a space to acceptable levels. It is often confused with the term disinfestation which is the control of insects and also with myocide which is the control of rodents. Disinfections are done in various ways, the most common way is to spray the affected surface or the one we want to protect and the residual spray with a low pressure sprayer.

Clemic Services SA is active in the management and maintenance of buildings, with a continuous presence of 35 years. It employs approximately 200 employees and partners of all specialties. With its modern organization, with specialized and scientifically qualified staff, it serves with immediacy and professionalism, numbering more than 50,000 customers (apartment buildings, single-family houses, apartments, business premises) providing responsible solutions to all their needs.

The professional disinfection applicators of Clemic Services A.E., under the supervision of specialized scientific staff of agronomists, chemists, biologists and entomologists, undertake the disinfection of any space with a guaranteed result, providing an immediate solution to all kinds of problems with insects, rodents, etc. Visit the category that interests you and contact us, so that we can provide a solution to the problem that concerns you, in the most immediate and efficient way.

With the long-term experience in the field and the trust of thousands of managers as an ally, the dynamic path of the Clemic Group continues, which is constantly expanding its activities and leading the way. The Clemic Group started in 1982, as a family business under the name Clemic Oil and in a period of 15 years, it managed, facing thousands of problems, to establish itself and establish itself, with great success, in the main geographical area of ​​the Northern Suburbs, in the Prefecture of Attica. Then, in the year 1995, two new companies were created, Clemic Services Ltd. (Building service company) and SuperOil E.P.E. (Oil Products Trading Company), with privately owned facilities and tankers, always under the umbrella of the Clemic Group. In the year 2005 the Companies are transformed into S.A., following the challenges of the times and the changes imposed by the needs and requirements of the entire Group. Investments continue in logistical equipment and Gaia Techniki S.A. is established. and the new departments of Clemic Services A.E., City Real Estate – Real Estate Management and toktirio.gr – online, services, to immediately deal with the manager’s problems, with professionalism, a high sense of responsibility, expertise and consistency. Driven by and allied with innovation, hard work, the kind cooperation of our Staff, corporate social responsibility, the undivided professional offering of our consultants, the continuous and long-term experience in our professional field, our comparative competitive advantages, enjoying the trust of thousands of administrators or individuals, we continue the dynamic and seamless course of the Clemic Group, which with more than 35 years of experience is one of the largest groups of its kind, with vision, future and perspective. For more information visit the website www.clemic.gr. The Clemic group is of Greek interest.
